Sunday, July 31, 2005

First Day Home...!

Elijah came home Saturday, July 30 around 2 PM... In this photo we just got home and he's sleeping in his car seat. He slept the entire trip home from the hospital.

For his first car ride Monica rode in the back seat with him. We took the beltway from I-10 to Hwy 290 for our return trip. Traffic was lite. I was a little nervous trying to drive home without hitting any bumps.

He looks very peaceful in this photo but after he awakened, he was a little grumpy. He had his circumcism earlier in the morning. (ouch!)

Grandma and Elijah

There's just something very special about Grandmas. Judy is Monica's Mom and the Grandma of little Baby Elijah. Here's a cute photo of Elijah cuddling with Grandma Judy. He looks pretty comfortable on Grandmas shoulder....!

The Brothers

Connor has a new Baby Brother...! You should have seen the look on Connor's face when he first saw Elijah... It was a priceless look that I'll never forget. It was a look of pure astonishment, joy, and love all rolled into one...!

It's a Boy...!

Proud Daddy looks on as Mom holds the newest addition to the Chadwell Family. You will notice the baby footprints on Coach Sam's Scrubs. Elijah weighed in at 7 lbs 4 ounces. Coach Sam weighed in at about 230 lbs. Monica weighed in at.... Ah, well... We don't have all the statistics in right now... I'll get back with you on that one. (maybe)

Mom and Baby...!

Here's a photo of Monica and Elijah just minutes after his birth... He's probably about 15 to 20 minutes old in this photo. The delivery took just under 11 hours. Elijah weighed 7 lbs 4 ounces and was 18 and 3/4 inches long...!
Elijah Arno~Christian Chadwell was born July 28, 2005 at 5:04 PM at the Memorial Herman Hospital in Katy, Texas.