Monday, November 20, 2006

WeFinally trimmed his hair...

We trimmed a couple inches from the front of his face yesterday afternoon. Now it won't bother his vision for awhile... He's still months away from a visit to regular barber...

Ther are many exciting things to report about Elijah... He's wearing his first lace up shoes now... And he's really into 'organizing' things... He'll move things around and stack them neatly... It's really fun to watch him play...!

We're fast approaching Elijah's second thanksgiving holiday and his 16 month birthday...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Happiest Baby...!

Elijah is a very Happy Baby...! He spreads joy every where he goes... Except when he doesn't want to be buckled into the car seat... And, we haven't tried to cut his hair yet... I'm afraid that might be a traumatic experience to him, as well...!

Here's a photo of Elijah at about 15 months with his favorite toy...'Kitty'.... He loves to cuddle his kitty....

Monday, November 13, 2006

Elijah's ball hopper

This photo was taken in October during a team tennis tournament at John Newcombes Tennis Ranch. Elijah climbed into our ball hopper early one morning before our pre match workout...!