Monday, April 16, 2007

What's Important...?

Dear Elijah,
I want you to know that we had an awesome day yesterday. The weather was gorgeous and after church your mom and I took you on a stroll through the Columbia Lakes property. We walked up to the tennis center and played tennis, and also played in the park. You got really dirty playing in the sand on the playground. But that's what little boys do...
You're really talking a lot now... You have Mommy's manners already. You're very good about saying 'please' and 'thank you'...!
Elijah, I want you to know how much I love you. And I'm sorry about not updating your blog much these past few months. Let's just call it temporary insanity. Because seriously, that's what it was. But I've re-priortized my life and You are right back in your regular place of honor.
My new routine is to update your blog every day right after my morning devotional. God is first. Then you, Mommy and Connor are right the very next items of importance in my life.
-I hope you don't mind being second to God on my list of priorities. You, Mommy, and Connor are my gifts from God. So I have to reverence God, first and foremost in my life.
But after God, nothing is more important to me than my family. And that's where I've been a little bit crazy. You see, I've been placing my career ahead of my family too much here recently. Sometimes I've even placed my career ahead of my relationship with god and that's a big no-no...!
Any way, Daddy's doing better now and I'm happy to report that You had a happy day yesterday, too!
Bye for now. Remember that daddy always loves you...!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Special Note To Elijah

Dear Elijah,

Hello My Dear Sweet Son,

Your Daddy is very sorry I haven't posted on your web page in some time. The spring time is always a busy, busy time for me as you'll come to know as you get older. But that is no excuse. Honestly, You are way more important to me than my career.

And your mother will vouche for this: although I've been very busy with work, You and I have still had plenty of quality father-son time. (I've made sure of that...) It's just that I've had to cut back on all my blogs these past few months in order to have a little sanity.

Busy-ness has plagued me for sometime. I hope to have it defeated before much longer.

I NEVER want you to have to deal with busy-ness.

Elijah, I love You very much. I am so blessed to be your daddy. You have brought much joy into mine, your mom's and your brother's life.

I'll try to do a better job of documenting your life from now on... I want this journal to be a complete chronicle of your growing up years. I wish my mom and dad would have recorded more of my life when I was little.

Well, I need to close here... I love You, Daddy