Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Lots of 'Firsts' for Elijah

Elijah has had lots of 'first time' experiences lately. Here is a photo of the first time he ate baby food. It was also his first time to use a spoon...!

Dear Elijah,

You just celebrated your 6th month birthday on January 28...! I can't help but think what a better world this planet earth is for having you in it...! You make everyone smile. You are so sweet and loving. For sure you have brought abundant joy to this family. We all love you very much. You are our most precious gift from God...!

In the past couple of weeks you have learned to drink from a glass. You love to do that. I think becuase you have watched us so many times... When we present you a glass of water, you devour it like a man who has been lost in the desert for days...!

You still love your Einstein play set. You love strolls in the baby carriage. And you are a very well behaved baby while your mom and I practice tennis and work out. At the age of six months You have already attended many hours of drills and lessons. You've watched your brother compete in a zat and gran prix tournament. You've even been to a pro exhibition tournament. I think you'll definitely grow up feeling comfortable on the tennis court...!

You're an Aewsome Baby and I love you...!

Love Always,


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