Thursday, May 18, 2006

Elijah Chadwell

Here's a photo of Elijah taken in our hotel room during the May 2006 Corpus Christi Buccaneer Days Adult Major Zone Tournament.

Dear Elijah,

Here's a quick personal note from Daddy just letting You know what a fine baby you are...! At nearly 10 months you've already got a great personality...! You are still a very happy, smiley baby...! At 9 months 3 weeks old you are not walking yet, but are standing a lot and getting stronger every day. I expect you'll start walking any time now.

Oh, we bought you your very own Babolat tennis racquet yesteday. You really like it, and it's just the right size for you...!

More later... Just know how much Daddy, Mommy, and Connor love You and consider you the greatest blessing in our lives...!

Bye for now, and Love Always...


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