Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Elijah's Blog

Dear Elijah,

Just a quick note to you, my sweet baby boy...!

It's getting very close to your birthday. I haven't posted any this month and I am so sorry for that. Its' just that the summer time is pretty much the busiest time for me all year long. I've definitely been stretched thin this month, but before the month gets away from me I wanted you to know that this has been a remarkable month of development for you.

You've been walking for a couple of weeks now... You are very happy, and you bring so much happiness to everyone around you. Elijah, you are truly a gift from God...!

You are almost ready to start talking now... You've said 'Momma' alot and 'Dada' abit too. We think you're trying to say Kitty cat, but that's a little hard for you. We definitely see lots of recognition from you. You definitely know what we're talking about. It's amazing watching you grow up and discover things for the first time...!

Oh Elijah, we love you so much...! You're an awesome son...!

Well, that's it for now... I'll be back later and will start publishing photos again soon.,

Bye for now, and love always...


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