Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Elijah's Christmas
Elijah already has more toys right now than I had during my entire childhood...! He got many cool presents this year and one of his favorites is the 'Big Red Car' my sis Becky sent...
The car is propelled by family members. In this photo Connor is doing the honors. Elijah wants to go for a ride every morning now as soon as he awakens. He wants to ride all the time. He even fell asleep in the car Christmas night... We'll publish some more photos soon...
Friday, December 15, 2006
At The Play Ground
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Note to Elijah....
The photo tools to blogger aren't working correctly this morning so I thought I'd take this opportunity to write you a quick little message.
Son, you are growing up so quickly...! Your mom and I love you more and more every day. I honestly can't imagine life without you. I am so proud to be your daddy. You are the happiest, sweetest, cutest baby I've ever seen.
I love to hold you, play with you, just spend every minute with you... Yes, being your daddy is the best job in the whole world.
I hope that as you read these lines when you are older that you have nothing but fond memories of your growing up years. I have added your mom as an author on this journal too so hopefully you'll be hearing from her soon, too. She loves you very much, too. You and your brother Connor are her pride and joy.
Let me just close by saying again how much i love and cherish you my sweet little boy.
Bye for now and love always,
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Elijah's Toys
Friday, December 01, 2006
Starting to Speak... Finally...!
Elijah enjoys his Thanksgiving dinner... It's much easier to eat now that he's starting to get a full set of teeth...!
Monday, November 20, 2006
WeFinally trimmed his hair...
Ther are many exciting things to report about Elijah... He's wearing his first lace up shoes now... And he's really into 'organizing' things... He'll move things around and stack them neatly... It's really fun to watch him play...!
We're fast approaching Elijah's second thanksgiving holiday and his 16 month birthday...
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
The Happiest Baby...!
Here's a photo of Elijah at about 15 months with his favorite toy...'Kitty'.... He loves to cuddle his kitty....
Monday, November 13, 2006
Elijah's ball hopper
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Mommy and the Boo Boo
Boo-Boo is Elijah's nick name... When he gets old enough he's going to ask me why we call him 'Boo-Boo' and I'm going to say his mother did it...!
Elijah Update: As of October 19, 2006 (14 and a half months old)
- Still not speaking sentences. Elijah's main words are momma, mommy, and yummy.
- Had a piece of cheese for the first time recently.
- Loves to pray with us before meals. We'll say Elijah, lets pray to God and he'll stick his hand out for us to hold.
- Elijah waves Bye-Bye now...
- Elijah normally spends the mornings with daddy at the tennis center.
- Loves playing with balls. (tennis balls, basketballs, anything bouncy...)
- We haven't cut Elijah's hair yet.. It's getting long...
Friday, September 29, 2006
Fifteen months...!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
One of My Favorite Photos
This photo was taken back on Easter earlier this year. We went to Pappasitos for lunch that day. Elijah is getting bigger and bigger every day. It's amazing how much he's changing. I cherish every moment I can spend with this sweet, precious little boy...!
Note to Elijah: Years from now when you are going through this journal looking at your life I want you to know how much joy you have brought your mother and I...
We love You very much...! -Dad
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
The Bumbo Seat
Monday, September 11, 2006
String Job Inspector...
Well, the US Open just finished yesterday and Elijah and I have started a tradition of watching the Open Men's Singles final together. Monica took some good photos of us watching it but I haven't downloaded them from the camera yet.
Elijah and I were both pulling for Andy Roddick to win this year but he was defeated by Roger Federer. I wonder if we'll see Elijah in the US Open finals one year...? It's possible. I can tell he really likes tennis. He's always running around the house with his baby Babolat racquet...
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Elijah Update
I will report (sadly) that Elijah's first real spoken word is 'MOMMA'. He can say Momma clearly and distinctly. And he knows exactly what he's talking about...!
I've tried to get him to say 'Daddy' but to no avail... Sigh...
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Connor and Elijah Build a Fort
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Taking a Snooze...
This photo of Elijah was taken in May at Memorial Park Tennis Center. We had just completed a USTA event called a tennis block party. You can see he's a little bit sweaty... He fell asleep with his favorite toy in one hand and a snack biscuit in the other hand...!
The Elijah Report... Elijah is 13 months and one day old right now...! He's still a happy, healthy, smiling baby...! He's still cutting teeth... He's walking and running very well. His favorite television show is The Wiggles...
He's not speaking yet... It's still gibberish. But he definitely understands alot of what we say. It's only a matter of time before we're having 2-way conversations with him...!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Elijah's Trip to The Petting Zoo
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Eating Corn with Daddy...
This photo is from our summer trip to California. I showed Elijah how to eat corn on the cob. He loves corn. He loves a great variety of veggies. He's really quite a healthy eater...
Today is Elijah's Birthday... He's one year old today. We're going to have a little private family celebration this afternoon. (More photos yet to come...)
Dear Elijah, Happy Birthday my sweet baby boy...! Love Always, Daddy
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Exploring the Back Seat
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Elijah's Blog
Just a quick note to you, my sweet baby boy...!
It's getting very close to your birthday. I haven't posted any this month and I am so sorry for that. Its' just that the summer time is pretty much the busiest time for me all year long. I've definitely been stretched thin this month, but before the month gets away from me I wanted you to know that this has been a remarkable month of development for you.
You've been walking for a couple of weeks now... You are very happy, and you bring so much happiness to everyone around you. Elijah, you are truly a gift from God...!
You are almost ready to start talking now... You've said 'Momma' alot and 'Dada' abit too. We think you're trying to say Kitty cat, but that's a little hard for you. We definitely see lots of recognition from you. You definitely know what we're talking about. It's amazing watching you grow up and discover things for the first time...!
Oh Elijah, we love you so much...! You're an awesome son...!
Well, that's it for now... I'll be back later and will start publishing photos again soon.,
Bye for now, and love always...
Friday, June 30, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
The Boo Boo Car
Elijah's Trip To The Giant Redwood Forest
Quick side note: I've had computer problems the past 3 weeks. My dell computer crashed and it's been in the computer hospital for a couple of weeks now. I recently bought a new toshiba laptop and for some reason it won't publish photos. I must need to adjust some settings or something.... Anyway, I published this photo from Monica's computer...
Sorry, I've failed to publish any Elijah photos for nearly a month...! But I've got lots of archived photos so stay tuned. Elijah Chadwell has got to be one of the most photographed babies on the planet...!
Monday, June 26, 2006
We Have a Toddler...!
Monday, June 05, 2006
Almost Walking...
Friday, May 19, 2006
Nice Chin...!
Elijah Update... At one week shy of 10 months old Elijah is starting to stand up on his own. He still has four teeth, 2 top and 2 bottom. He is trying to talk. You can tell he's trying to mimic what we are saying. It almost sounded like Elijah said 'Daddy' yesterday and he was looking right at me like he was really speaking to me... That was really a cool feeling for me. He's trying to say Moma, Kitty, and Cookie, too...! I can't wait to start having real conversations with Elijah....!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Elijah Chadwell
Dear Elijah,
Here's a quick personal note from Daddy just letting You know what a fine baby you are...! At nearly 10 months you've already got a great personality...! You are still a very happy, smiley baby...! At 9 months 3 weeks old you are not walking yet, but are standing a lot and getting stronger every day. I expect you'll start walking any time now.
Oh, we bought you your very own Babolat tennis racquet yesteday. You really like it, and it's just the right size for you...!
More later... Just know how much Daddy, Mommy, and Connor love You and consider you the greatest blessing in our lives...!
Bye for now, and Love Always...
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
More Corpus Trip Photos
Elijah examines the contents of his daddy's racquet bag in the hotel room after a match at the Corpus Christi Buccaneer Days Adult Major Zone.
Elijah just had to taste the racquet...
I think Elijah might be a future racquet technician. Here he is inspecting the string job from the HEB Tennis Center.
In this photo Elijah is listening to Connor explain to him that he needs to hold the racquet from the other end!
Elijah did have a little trouble trying to get the racquets out of the bag at first...
Over all Elijah had a good road trip... He really liked Corpus!